AnnouncementBarAnnouncementBar component to display message;
We have introduced a new feature to generate automated reports on your analysis.Read More
We have introduced a new feature to generate automated reports on your analysis.Read More
We have introduced a new feature to generate automated reports on your analysis.Read More
Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
Import and usage.
import { AnnouncementBar } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

  text="We have introduced a new feature to generate automated reports on your analysis."
  leadingIcon={<InfoCircledIcon />}
  actionLabel="Read More"
  actionIcon={<InfoCircledIcon />}
The AnnouncementBar component accepts the following props:
  • variant: Visual style variant ("normal" | "error" | "gradient", default: "normal")
  • text: Color variant of the spinner ("default" | "inverted", default: "default")
  • leadingIcon: Optional ReactNode to display an icon before the text
  • actionLabel: Text of the onClick action. It will be display after the text.
  • actionIcon: Icon of the onClick action.
  • className: Additional CSS class names
  • All other HTMLDivElement attributes from React